TM-MC 2.0 provides the largest collection of information about chemical compounds of medicinal materials listed in the Korean, Chinese, and Japanese pharmacopoeias. The information on chemical compounds of medicinal materials was manually extracted and curated from chromatographic articles in PubMed. All compounds have been identified and de-duplicated, and are given with their corresponding identifiers and pharmacokinetic properties. TM-MC 2.0 also includes new information on prescriptions, gene targets, modern diseases, and their associations.
  • 2024. 1. 16.
  • - TM-MC 2.0 has been published in BMC Complement Med Ther 24, 40.
    - Because TM-MC is constantly being updated, the number of compounds and targets may increase or decrease.
    - We plan to upload the updated database to the TM-MC 2.0 homepage once a month.
    - TM-MC identifies chemical structures through a comprehensive review of reference papers, the PubChem database, and internet searches, and does not rely on any specific external databases.
    - Some medicinal materials have many volatile compounds from GC-MS analysis papers, but they may need to be excluded for analysis.

  • 2023. 9. 25.
  • - TM-MC 2.0 has been released.

  • 2022. 12. 1.
  • - TM-MC was updated: articles up to 35 million in PMID number were curated. (only 45 medicinal materials including Panax ginseng)

  • 2021. 4. 8.
  • - TM-MC was updated: articles up to 32 million in PMID number were curated.

  • 2018. 12. 3.
  • - TM-MC was updated: articles up to 28 million in PMID number were curated.

  • 2017. 11. 7.
  • - Chemical compounds of Oryeong-san were curated after identifying their chemical structures.

  • 2017. 4. 25.
  • - Information on chemical compounds of non-botanical medicinal materials was curated.

  • 2016. 9. 23.
  • - TM-MC was updated: articles up to 27 million in PMID number were curated.

  • 2016. 6. 8.
  • - TM-MC was updated: articles up to 26 million in PMID number were curated.

  • 2015. 8. 25.
  • - TM-MC was updated: medicinal materials with only both generic and specific names in their scientific names were searched and curated.

  • 2015. 4. 1.
  • - TM-MC was updated: articles downloaded on 27 December 2014 were curated.

  • 2014. 7. 1.
  • - TM-MC was launched: articles published until 31 December 2013 were curated.
